Super Spray Polymer 超級噴霧高分子聚合物

Prima Hydro MAX 高分子聚合物噴劑

內容物 : 高分子聚合物

產地 : 美國

產品說明 : Prima Hydro MAX is a surprisingly durable spray polymer.Simply shake, spray and wipe. It can be applied to wet paint,but for MAX durability, spray on dry paint. Hydro MAX will not stain or discolor trim. It is safe to use on any non-porous surface. Use on glass, wheels, chrome, and virtually any other surface that benefits from added gloss, slickness and protection!

Prima Hydro MAX 是一項令人驚訝持久型噴式聚合物。使用前只需要搖一搖噴上去然後擦乾即可。可以使用在濕的漆面上但是最佳的施工方式還是使用在乾躁的漆面上。Hydro MAX 不會讓車身飾板產生暗影與退色現象。對於任何光滑無孔洞的表面皆可安全使用。幾乎可使用在任何物體表面上例如玻璃、輪胎、鍍鉻飾品可增加光澤度、光滑度以及保護性。

Direction(使用方法) :
Shake well.(使用前請先搖勻)
Apply to a clean car,out of the direct sun.(先將車輛清洗乾淨避免在太陽直射處施工)
Work in section.(局部施工: 以單一鈑件施工)
Shake, mist surface, then wipe with a clean, dry towel.(搖勻後均勻噴在要施工的平面上,使用乾淨的乾毛巾擦掉)
If product dries on paint,simply mist again wipe.(如果在漆面上乾掉,只要再噴上後擦掉)
For best results,maintain with hydro wash.(要維持Hydro MAX最好的效果,洗車可使用Hydro 洗車精)

Caution(注意事項) :
Contains mineral spirits.(含有礦物油)
Can cause eye irritation.(沾到眼睛會引起眼睛不適)
Excessive inhalation may cause respiratory irritation.(吸入過量可能會引起呼吸道不適)
Ingestion can cause gastrointestinal irritation.(食入會引起腸胃道刺激)
Prolonged skin contact may cause slight irritation.(長時間皮膚接觸可能會引起皮膚產生輕微刺激)

First aid(緊急處置) :
Eye-flush with water for 15minutes and call physician if irritation persists.(用清水沖洗已經15分鐘,若依然感到不適請就醫)

Inhalation-remove to fresh air and call physician if irritation persists.(吸入過量請移動到空氣清新處 ,若詞序感到不適請就醫)

Ingestion do not induce vomiting and call physician immediately.(不小心食入千萬不要進行催吐,請立即就醫)

0925 511 991
0925 511 991 
002 6016 789 5432
No.20,Jalan susur Kulai 2, Kulai besar , 81000 Kulai , Johor.
0925 511 991