


原文摘錄自:Professional Carwashing & Detailing Magazine

Reason 1:Water softeners and water spots
Manufacturers of dishwashing detergents assume dishes will be hand dried, and many detergents do not contain water softeners that will prevent spotting. Using dishwashing detergents on an automobile increases the likelihood of water spotting. A car will look shiny and clean at first, but the spots will appear soon after, much to disappointment of the car owner. However, most carwashing products contain ingredients that soften the water, which helps in preventing water spotting.

Reason 2:Grease cutters
Dishwashing detergents are generally made with certain surfaces which are designed for cutting and removal. However, these surfactants can strip off silicones and waxes on a vehicle,s surface. The surfactants will also strip any protection on bare metal parts of vehicle, such as the engine compartment or the areas inside the doors. This can promote rusting when the detergent finds its way into these areas. Just as well, any chipped spots on the paints are susceptible to corrosion. The end results are a dull, unprotected finish and the possibility of corrosion in undetected places. Carwah shampoos are formulated with surfactants that are gentler to the car,s surface in that they do not strip the car of wax or sealant protectants applied to maintain a glossy and protected finish.

Reason 3:Emollients
Dishwashing detergents often contain cosmetic chemicals or emollients to keep hands soft and prevent the cracking and drying that can occur when immersed in water for too long. It,s nice for the skin , but not as nice for the car. These emollients will make a vehicle finish difficult to dry and/or leave it with a smeary appearance and dull finish. Carwash shampoos do not contain emollients or anything that would be a cosmetic “perk.”
理由3:洗碗精為防止手部皮膚長時間浸泡在水中,導致皮膚乾燥裂開,通常在製作過程中會添加含有化妝品成分的化學藥劑或是添加具有潤膚成分配方。這些成分對皮膚很好,但是對車子來說這些潤膚成分難以乾燥去除油汙,並使得車漆失去光澤。專業的洗車精不添加任何潤膚劑與化妝品等“額外成分” 。

Reason 4:Surfactants
The surfactants added in carwash shampoos give a thicker, stronger appearance to the product, since “no foam”is often misconstrued as a weak shampoo. However, the surfactants used in carwash shampoos are not the same as surfactants used in dishwashing detergent and will rinse easier.

Reason 5:Dirt removal
For the most part, the surfactants used in dishwashing detergents are not the same as those used in carwash shampoos, as mentioned above. Surfactants used to remove food residue and grease from pots, pans and plates are not the most effective surfactants to remove dirt and oil film from a vehicle. The surfactants used in dishwashing detergents can leave dirt and oil film behind, causing you to work harder having to wash the vehicle more than once. The surfactants used in carwash shampoos are specially formulated to remove both dirt and oil film.

Reason 6:Additives
Dishwashing detergents contain no special additives. However, well- formulated carwash shampoos contain special additives that provide benefits for hand carwashing. For example, a small amount of high pH additive helps to more effectively remove the dirt and road film and to neutralize any acid rain spots that are on the vehicle. These additives are not contained in dishwashing detergents.

Reason 7:Table salt
Sodium chloride (table salt)is commonly used as a thickening agent in dishwashing detergents to give them the appearance of a quality product. Washing a car with dishwashing detergent is literally like using salt water. This can result in severe water spotting and promotion of corrosion.



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